State Strategies to Compensate Medicaid Beneficiary Advisory Council Members

Support for this issue brief was provided by the State Health and Value Strategies program, a grantee of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the Foundation.

The Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services final rule requires states to create and support a Medicaid Beneficiary Advisory Council (BAC) as well as a Medicaid Advisory Committee (MAC), which together are intended to create a more formalized way for enrollees and interested parties to provide feedback to the state about the Medicaid program. Fair compensation of Medicaid enrollees serving as BAC members provides states the vehicle to shift from a transactional to a transformative relationship with the community served by the Medicaid program. Making this pivotal shift requires that states take a comprehensive approach to ensure that members are supported in their participation and compensated for their time and expertise.

A new issue brief authored by Manatt Health’s Patricia Boozang, Lisa Sbrana, and Kaylee O’Connor aims to assist states with successful engagement of Medicaid enrollees in the BAC and MAC, and offers considerations for determining how to fairly compensate BAC members without adversely affecting their eligibility for Medicaid.

To read the full issue brief, click here.