Working with New York City government is as challenging and exhilarating as the city itself. With an operating budget of $82 billion and over 130 public agencies, boards and commissions, New York City government has an enormous scope of activities and annually procures $10 billion in diverse goods and services. Our team understands the challenges and opportunities inherent in working with the City. We have a proven track record of developing creative, client-centered strategies that position our clients for success in their endeavors.
Leveling a Uniquely Challenging Playing Field
Our highly qualified team provides the understanding required to succeed within New York City’s challenging environment. We understand the politics and the processes, allowing us to guide, direct and advise our clients toward successful outcomes. Our backgrounds are rooted in local and grassroots politics, senior-level government service, and active representation on public and civic boards, ensuring thoughtful, ongoing engagement and strategy. Our team members’ skill sets align with our clients’ most challenging needs, and include experience in City legislation, regulation and budget matters, advocacy, government and community relations, franchising and contracting matters, and dispute resolution.
Beyond the Five Boroughs
Because so much of what happens in New York City is determined in Albany, we work closely with our State Government practice, sharing information and data that inform our advocacy. We also draw upon our Washington, D.C., and Sacramento offices, as well as our nationally recognized practices in health care, advertising, infrastructure and litigation.
We have experience in nearly all legal areas, including administrative and legislative matters, rulemaking and regulatory proceedings, government contracts and government assistance agreements. Our integrated team, combining consultancy and law, provides a competitive advantage for your organization.
With powerful national litigation capabilities, exceptional transactional experience, and deep and complex understanding of the government and regulatory arena, our goal is to provide you with unparalleled legal, strategic and business advice every day.
Who we work with
Our clients are diverse in industry and size, ranging from small City-based nonprofits to major universities to complex international corporations. Our work includes representation of renowned New York City cultural institutions, international transportation infrastructure providers, innovative technology companies, City-based trade associations, and not-for-profit health care providers. Since 2011, our highly regarded practice has been ranked as one of the top ten lobbying firms in New York City by the New York City Clerk’s Office.
What we do
- Administrative and governmental law
- Government contracts and dispute resolution
- Franchise and concession agreements
- Community outreach and engagement
- Legislative advocacy
- Strategic advice and advocacy related to public funding for non-profit organizations
- Telecommunications regulatory issues
- Transportation issues
- Zoning, land use and landmarks advocacy