Lisa Sbrana
Having been a leader with New York’s health insurance programs and advanced health system reform at the state and local levels, Lisa has a robust knowledge of subsidized coverage programs and affordability, with an emphasis on Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplaces and Basic Health Program.
Lisa’s practice focuses on helping clients navigate state and federal health policy. She has worked on Marketplace implementation and compliance matters including contracts, memorandums of understanding, privacy and security, compliance with federal and state law, regulations, and guidance. Lisa also has considerable experience advising various stakeholders—such as federal, state and local government partners, advocates and health plans—on Medicaid and CHIP coverage policies, the Basic Health Program, both Section 1115 and Section 1332 waivers, and developing creative solutions to expand affordable health coverage.
As the former Director of the Division of Eligibility and Marketplace Integration (DEMI) within the New York State Department of Health’s (DOH) Office of Health Insurance Programs, Lisa oversaw the NY State of Health’s (NYSOH) Customer Service Center to help provide information, application and enrollment assistance for all public health insurance programs and Qualified Health Plans offered through the Marketplace, including those provided by more than 5,000 community-based assistors. She also oversaw the Medicaid functions handled by 58 local departments of social services (LDSS) and management of Medicaid-related disability determinations, third-party coverage claims, liens and recoveries. Before joining DEMI, Lisa was the Director of the Office of Marketplace Counsel for NYSOH, where she oversaw Marketplace legal staff and the development and operation of the Appeals Unit.
Earlier in her career, Lisa was a policy analyst, in which she was integral to the development and establishment of New York’s Marketplace. She also previously represented low-income New Yorkers with The Legal Aid Society’s Civil Practice, including serving as the Supervising Attorney of the Society’s Health Law Unit, where she supervised attorneys, paralegals and administrative staff. Her practice included impact litigation, development of health care policy and representation of individual clients denied access to health care benefits and/or services.
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