Sustaining Telehealth Success: Integration Imperatives for Academic Health Systems
Prepared in partnership with the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)
The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically and permanently altered the telehealth landscape for academic medical centers (AMCs).
Now that telehealth has become a widely accepted mode of care delivery, AMCs are examining the role of telehealth in advancing their overarching strategic goals. Whereas pre-pandemic AMC telehealth programs often operated as pilot projects or small stand-alone programs, AMCs now must learn how to integrate telehealth capabilities into the fabric of their organizations so they become part of everyday clinical care and operations.
In a new report prepared in partnership with the AAMC, Manatt Health describes integration imperatives and best practices for AMCs to sustain the success of telehealth initiatives. The report serves as a practical guide for health system leaders and telehealth managers as they critically assess, design, implement and integrate their telehealth programs across clinical, educational, research and community mission areas. It also presents effective strategies and successful practices from leaders at 15 AMCs that have leading telehealth programs.
To download the executive summary of the report, click here.
For more information on accessing the full report, visit the AAMC web site here.