Strategies for Supporting and Strengthening Medicaid IT During the COVID-19 Crisis
Prepared for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s State Health and Value Strategies program
As states face the extraordinary challenges of the COVID-19 crisis, information technology (IT) is an essential tool to support access to health coverage and the safe and effective evaluation, testing, and treatment of patients nationwide. Under the current statutory and regulatory framework, state Medicaid agencies are authorized to receive federal funding for Medicaid IT and associated activities, and much of it at an enhanced federal matching level. Activities eligible for support include the development, implementation and operations of states’ vast Medicaid program administrative systems and state Medicaid agency activities to facilitate adoption of electronic health records and exchange of health information by healthcare providers.
In a new issue brief developed for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s State Health and Value Strategies program, Manatt Health outlines potential IT investments in responding to COVID-19, as well as strategies for states to support these investments, and to secure current and future IT investments that enable ongoing Medicaid program operations and advance health information exchange. The issue brief also highlights the Medicaid authorities and provisions that may allow states more expeditious access to and flexible use of these funds during the ongoing public health emergency and in retooling the Medicaid delivery system in this new era of pandemic.
To access the full issue brief, click here.