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    TCPA Yearly Roundup—Important Updates for Retailers

    A number of major developments are converging to make 2017 a big year for the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA)—from the transition of power at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to significant cases directly impacting TCPA compliance and litigation, including a $280 million ...

  • 10.25.17

    How Can You Attract Patients Beyond Your Local Market?

    International patients seeking advanced medical treatment spent more than $3.5 billion in the United States in 2015, increasing more than 25% since 2010. 1 Each year, 300,000 international patients visit this country for quality medical care. 2 Domestic medical travel is also on the rise. ...

  • 10.18.17

    "Bad Boy" Guaranties: Enforceable or Not?

    First-time users of Bloomberg Next—the website this content is available on — will have to sign up for a Bloomberg Next account to view this webinar. Registration is free and easy. After users sign up, the webinar can be found by searching for its title in the Bloomberg Next catalog. ...

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    Pitfalls of Social Media in the Workplace

    Social media is rapidly expanding in scope and utilization, and has fundamentally shifted how people discover information and communicate with each other. Manatt’s employment and labor practice hosted a complimentary webinar that explored key developments impacting employers and ...

  • 09.27.17

    Statutory Damages in Class Litigation: Recent Trends and Developments

    Over the years, statutory damages were used as a remedy in consumer protection and intellectual property laws. However, these remedies could be abused and misused as they provide plaintiffs with significant procedural advantages. Plaintiffs can be awarded statutory damages without being required ...

  • 09.25.17

    What Are the Implications of the New Graham-Cassidy Proposal for Coverage, Costs and State Budgets?

    On Sept. 13, 2017, Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA)—along with Senators Dean Heller (R-NV) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) and former Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA)—released a new proposal to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act. The new proposal is an ...

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    As Enforcement Tightens, How Can You Avoid FCA Actions?

    In fiscal year (FY) 2016, the Department of Justice (DOJ) recovered $2.5 billion from healthcare fraud cases, marking the seventh consecutive year that healthcare civil fraud recoveries exceeded $2 billion. Between January 2009 and the end of FY 2016, the DOJ recovered $19.3 billion in healthcare ...

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    The Internet of Things and Financial Services: Consumer-Facing Benefits and Risks

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnection of computing devices embedded in everyday objects that touch every industry, including the financial services industry. With increased connectivity comes an increase in the risk of becoming a target of criminals and foreign governments, as ...

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    Trump Administration’s Impact on Employment Litigation and Enforcement

    As the Trump administration wrapped up the first 200 days of its agenda, Manatt’s employment and labor practice hosted a complimentary webinar that explored key developments impacting employers and provided practical guidance to prepare for what’s to come. Topics covered ...

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    Building Successful PAC Preferred Provider Networks

    From new reimbursement models to an aging population to an increased focus on holistic treatment, key trends are converging to drive the surging growth in post-acute care (PAC) preferred provider networks. Hospitals and health systems are seeking to integrate with PAC by creating networks of ...



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