• 09.22.15

    What Does the Internet of Things Mean for Corporate Law Departments?

    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Wearable technology devices. The connected lifestyle. Wearable devices are proliferating across many industries, particularly healthcare and insurance. Join us for Manatt’s monthly Web Learning Series to learn how your company could be affected by this ...

  • 08.25.15

    Employee Risks in Privacy and Data Security

    As part of our continuing Learning Series in Privacy and Data Security, Manatt will hold a webinar presentation focused on mitigating the risks associated with internal data security threats. Policies and procedures, training, supervision and technology all contribute to a company's ...

  • 07.23.15

    Proceed With Caution

    The FCC has established an exemption from the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) consent requirements for healthcare messages that are regulated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). On the surface, healthcare providers and others covered by HIPAA appear to have ...

  • 07.01.15

    What’s Next for Marketplaces

    In the historic King v. Burwell decision, the Supreme Court upheld tax subsidies—preserving health security for the 6.4 million people whose coverage was in jeopardy and removing the immediate threat of individual market disruption. After the initial relief, what are the next ...

  • 06.17.15

    Medicaid Growth and Convergence

    Medicaid is the single largest payer for healthcare services in every state. With nearly 10 million people enrolling in 2014 alone, total enrollment now tops 68 million. But Medicaid is not just undergoing soaring growth. It’s also experiencing unprecedented change, fueled by its expanding ...

  • 06.10.15

    Reforming Medicaid’s Long-Term Care (LTC) System

    Medicaid is the single largest payer for healthcare services in every state. With nearly 10 million people enrolling in 2014 alone, total enrollment now tops 68 million. But Medicaid is not just undergoing soaring growth. It’s also experiencing unprecedented change, fueled by its expanding ...

  • 05.27.15

    Updates on California Medical Leave Laws

    This complimentary webinar will provide guidance to employers attempting to comply with the evolving medical leave laws in California. It will provide a salient discussion of recent updates and best practices to ensure your company’s policies and procedures are properly updated. Our panel of ...

  • 05.26.15

    Data Security Best Practices for In-House Counsel Webinar: Credit Card Breaches and PCI

    As part of our continuing Webinar Learning Series in Privacy and Data Security, Manatt invites you to join a seasoned privacy professional and the co-chair of Manatt’s Privacy and Data Security practice for “Credit Card Breaches and PCI: Strategies for Data Breach Avoidance, Response, ...

  • 04.29.15

    Best Practices for Using Social Media in Healthcare

    In a generation more likely to seek health information online than see a doctor, social media is playing an increasingly critical role in healthcare decisions. A growing number of healthcare entities are incorporating social media into their communication plans. But how can you effectively harness ...

  • 04.21.15

    Data Security Best Practices for In-House Counsel: Cyber Insurance Top Tips

    With the recent high-profile data breaches at significant financial institutions, companies are under ever more state and federal scrutiny by multiple enforcement agencies, attorneys general, and consumer groups to secure data. The increasing threat of information compromise is compounded with ...



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