State Health Data Organizations: Engines of Market Transparency and Insight

Across the country, states are investing in organizations and cross-departmental offices responsible for collecting, managing, integrating and analyzing health system data to provide policymakers, regulators, researchers and other data users with deep insights into how our health system is performing to meet the health needs of our populations. In a new webinar, made possible by the generous support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Manatt will set out a framework for states considering establishing health data organizations (HDOs), outlining their most promising roles and functions, and how state HDOs can:

  • Support and partner with insurance departments, Medicaid agencies and public health departments
  • Be effectively governed to ensure political insulation and public accountability
  • Derive new insights about our health system and population health needs by integrating and analyzing co-located data resources (e.g., all payers claims databases (APCDs), hospital financial reporting, hospital discharge data and cost growth benchmarking data)
  • Provide a more efficient, effective and secure way to steward our states’ health system information

Join a panel of thought-leading innovators to learn more about state HDOs and how states are building new analytic capacity to support health system transparency.

P.S.  Did you miss our recent “National Health Data Summit” webinar? Click here to view it free on demand; here to download a free copy of the companion white paper; and here to access our full library of materials to help you better understand, plan for and implement APCDs.


Joel Ario, National Advisor, Manatt Health
Kevin McAvey, Director, Manatt Health
Amy Zhan, Manager, Manatt Health
Joseph Thompson, MD, MPH, President and CEO, Arkansas Center for Health Improvement (ACHI)
Caitlin Sullivan, Deputy Executive Director, Massachusetts Center for Health Information and Analysis (CHIA)

Date and Time:

Wednesday, April 12