Spotlight on CMS’ Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Guidance

States are required to provide non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) in their Medicaid programs but have flexibility in how they deliver these critical services. While states take a variety of approaches in the administration of NEMT, many states are seeking ways to improve their programs to ensure timely access to services. To that end, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released a Medicaid Transportation Coverage Guide that provides a comprehensive review of the federal regulatory and sub-regulatory requirements and state flexibilities for providing NEMT to Medicaid enrollees.

In a new webinar, Manatt Health will provide an in-depth look at this CMS guidance, including new policies outlined and how they may benefit Medicaid enrollees. Additionally, Manatt Health will speak with state Medicaid agency leadership from Oregon, who will discuss changes the State is making to its NEMT program to improve access. Key topics will include:

  • Overview of the Medicaid NEMT program requirements
  • Flexibilities for NEMT coverage of wait times and long distances, access requirements, special considerations for specific populations (e.g., children, individuals with disabilities, individuals with behavioral health needs, and tribal populations), and beneficiary supports
  • State Spotlight featuring insights into Oregon’s practices for improving access to NEMT


  • Kinda Serafi, Partner, Manatt Health
  • Lauren Ward, Manager, Manatt Health
  • Awab Al-Rawe, CCO Services Manager, Oregon Health Authority
  • Nathan Roberts, FFS Operations Manager, Oregon Health Authority
  • Maria Gonzalez-Cress, Medicaid Programs Policy Analyst, Oregon Health Authority
  • Michelle Meuwissen, Medicaid Programs Policy Analyst, Oregon Health Authority
  • Jenni Claiborne, Medicaid Programs Policy Analyst, Oregon Health Authority

Date and Time

Wednesday, February 7
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. PT
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET