Social Determinants of Health 2020

Discover the Latest Social Determinants of Health Trends, Strategies and Opportunities. Click here to View Manatt’s Recent Webinar Free on Demand, Download a Free Copy of the Presentation and Learn More About Our New SDOH State Survey.

It is widely recognized that social and economic factors—such as housing, food, toxic stress and income—have a significant impact on individuals’ and communities’ health. These factors, often referred to as “social determinants of health” (SDOH), drive as much as 80% of health outcomes.1 Having just one unmet social need is associated with increased rates of depression, diabetes, hypertension, emergency department use and clinic “no shows.”2

For the last few years, SDOH has been the hot topic at conferences for providers, insurers, states, consumer groups and others. Now, however, we are moving beyond PowerPoint slides and concept papers to programs, policies and implementation strategies. In a recent webinar—the first in our series of SDOH-focused programs—Manatt reviewed the state of play on SDOH, identifying the latest trends and opportunities in this new era of implementation.

We want to be sure you don’t miss the important information shared during the program. If you or anyone on your team were unable to attend the session—or want to view it again—click here to access it free, on demand; download a free copy of the presentation; and learn more about Manatt’s new SDOH survey. (The comprehensive survey includes a summary report highlighting key trends in SDOH-related provisions across all states and territories with Medicaid managed care; comprehensive state-level profiles for the 41 states and territories with Medicaid managed care; and an interactive map you can filter by category/subcategory, SDOH domain and target population.)

Designed for states, providers, payers, consumer advocacy organizations and other interested stakeholders, the “SDOH 2020” webinar covers:

  • The most important SDOH trends and developments, including new research and emerging federal policy and guidance;
  • The challenges that stakeholders face as they seek to integrate social interventions into the healthcare delivery system, as well as to build strong partnerships across healthcare providers and community-based organizations;
  • Next steps in design and implementation, such as deciding if, when and how to pay for social interventions with healthcare dollars and setting up the data infrastructure required for success;
  • The emerging response to fears, concerns and challenges arising among payers, healthcare providers, social services organizations and others; and
  • Strategies to avoid more “silos,” with the latest on collaborative initiatives to address SDOH.

P.S. Click here to register free now for the second webinar in our SDOH series, “Community-Based Organizations: Partnership Opportunities to Address SDOH,” scheduled for March 24 from 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. ET. Discover how payers, providers and community-based organizations can forge successful relationships to advance SDOH strategies.


Jocelyn A. Guyer, Managing Director, Manatt Health
Elizabeth Osius, Director, Manatt Health

Date and Time

February 27, 2020
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET

Moody’s Analytics. “Understanding Health Conditions Across the U.S.” BlueCross BlueShield Association. December 2017.
Bachrach, D., Pfister, H., Wallis, K. and Lipson, M. “Addressing Patients’ Social Needs: An Emerging Case for Provider Investment.” Commonwealth Fund. May 2014.

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This program does not constitute legal advice, nor does it establish an attorney-client relationship. Views expressed by presenters are strictly their own and should not be construed to be the views of Manatt or attributed to Manatt.



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