Smoking-Hot Topics in Cannabis Banking

Cannabis—in all its forms—is one of the hottest topics in the business and legal worlds. As the number of states legalizing cannabis continues to grow, so does the number of challenges impacting industry members due to the ever-evolving state and federal laws. Join us for a 60-minute webinar that closely examines red-tape issues surrounding this green industry. This session focuses on the following:

  • Overview of the evolution and current state of cannabis law
  • Ongoing challenges that the legal cannabis industry faces in obtaining banking services
  • Update on developments at the federal level, including proposed legislative fixes
  • Efforts by the states to provide or enable banking services to the cannabis trade
  • Federal enforcement trends and risks related to providing banking services

Anita Boomstein, Partner, Global Payments
Richard Hartunian, Partner, Investigations and White Collar Defense
Craig Miller, Partner, Manatt Financial Services
Anita Famili, Partner, Manatt Real Estate

Date and Time
July 18, 2019
11:00 a.m.–12:00 noon PDT