Proposed Rules to Enhance Access and Quality for Medicaid HCBS and Strengthen the HCBS Workforce

On April 27, 2023, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released proposed rules that, if finalized, would reshape Medicaid’s federal regulatory landscape in several ways, including with respect to home and community-based services (HCBS). The proposed rule most relevant for HCBS—titled Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services—includes measures to increase transparency, oversight and public engagement regarding HCBS access and quality of care, including measures that aim to improve job quality for direct care workers who provide home-based services. Comments on the proposed rule are due by July 3.

In a new webinar, Manatt Health—joined by an expert on the caregiving needs of people with functional limitations—will review the key reforms that CMS has proposed for Medicaid HCBS. Key topics that will be covered include: 

  • Medicaid’s role as the nation’s largest payer for HCBS—essential services that allow people with functional limitations to stay in their homes rather than move into long-term care facilities
  • CMS’s proposed regulatory changes that would:
    • Establish requirements for rate transparency and payment adequacy with respect to certain home care services
    • Strengthen the procedures regarding person-centered service plans
    • Standardize state approaches for monitoring access to care, quality of care, critical safety incidents and beneficiary grievances
  • Areas where CMS solicited input from the public during the public comment period

Support for this presentation comes from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).


  • Nicole Jorwic, Chief of Advocacy and Campaigns, Caring Across Generations
  • Adam Glickman, Secretary-Treasurer, SEIU  775
  • Stephanie Anthony, Senior Advisor, Manatt Health
  • Julian Polaris, Partner, Manatt Health

Date and Time:

Thursday, June 1