Helping Our Children Reach Their Full Potential

Learn How Innovators in Children’s Health View the Effects of COVID-19, the Impact of Equity Issues and the Actions Needed Moving Forward at a New Manatt Webinar—the Fifth in Our Health Care Imperatives Series.

Disruptions to health care, education and community life due to the pandemic have been devastating for the health and development of our nation’s children. After decades of improvement, compliance with recommended well-child pediatric visits has plummeted—and the missed or delayed screenings, diagnoses or treatments can have impacts reaching into adulthood.

In a new webinar, Manatt Health will lead a panel of innovators in a compelling discussion, exploring how the pandemic has exposed the most critical issues affecting the health care of our children, including disparities in access, gaps in social and emotional health supports, insufficient behavioral health capacity, and other challenges that link to higher risks of adverse childhood experiences and result in lasting effects. The session—the fifth in our ongoing “Ten Health Care Imperatives for the Decade Ahead” series—will address the actions and strategies needed now and over the next ten years to put children, particularly our most vulnerable children, on track to reach their fullest potential. The program will answer key questions on children’s health care including:

  • How has the COVID-19 pandemic elevated critical issues affecting the delivery of care for children?
  • With the long-standing equity issues in the delivery of care coming to the fore in 2020, what are the implications for the way that pediatric care is paid for and delivered?
  • How should federal and state policies evolve to address the gaps and shortcomings in care for children?
  • What is the evolving role of schools and early-childhood initiatives in the delivery of care for children? What changes are children’s health care leaders seeing—and what do they want to see? And how will those changes affect equity and the ability to respond to the long-term impact of COVID-19?
  • How must pediatric practices change to address the key gaps in children’s health care?

P.S. Our “Ten Health Care Imperatives for the Decade Ahead” webinar series is based on our recent white paper addressing the ten imperatives we believe are critical for improving the health care system and advancing health equity. Click here to download a free copy of the white paper—and here to register for the other programs in the series, including our May 12 session on Social Determinants of Health. 


  • Eric Bartholet, Managing Director, Manatt Health
  • Jocelyn Guyer, Managing Director, Manatt Health
  • Lishaun Francis, Associate Director, Health Collaborations, Children Now
  • Dipesh Navsaria, MPH, MSLIS, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health and President, Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics
  • Dave Rubin, Director of the Policy Lab and Director of Population Health Innovation, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
  • Elizabeth Cuervo Tilson, MD, MPH, State Health Director, Chief Medical Officer, NC DHHS

Webinar Series

Click here for full details on the Ten Health Care Imperatives series.