Healthcare Litigation Trends to Watch in 2020…and Beyond

How is today’s volatile healthcare environment impacting litigation—and how can you protect your organization? Learn the answer at a new Manatt webinar.

Healthcare is facing a tidal wave of change—from tightening False Claims Act (FCA) scrutiny to the growing data breach threat to the exploding opioid and mental health crises. The disputes arising from the flood of new developments are raising new legal and regulatory challenges. The result is an ever-increasing number of lawsuits being filed by and against every segment of the industry—providers, payers, patients, regulators, and federal and state governments.

How will healthcare litigation be affected? What are the key issues dominating the dockets? What are the game-changing cases to watch in 2020 and beyond—and how could they reshape the legal and regulatory landscape? Find out in a new Manatt Webinar. Key topics include:

  • NEW: An overview of how the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to impact healthcare litigation
  • The top trends playing out in the courts—and what the decisions could mean for the future of healthcare
  • Fraud and abuse litigation against providers, including a look at FCA cases brought by whistleblowers and the government, as well as a review of claims brought by payers
  • The continued growth in lawsuits around mental health issues, substance abuse treatment and mental health parity
  • The ongoing expansion in claims and remedies sought under the Employment Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
  • The latest developments in “conscience rights” and the rising tensions between antidiscrimination laws and religious beliefs
  • Updates on the latest privacy litigation affecting every corner of the industry


Joseph E. Laska, Partner, Litigation
Charles E. Weir, Partner, Healthcare Litigation

Date and Time

April 30, 2020


This program has been approved for 1.0 CA and 1.0 NY CLE Professional Practice credit (transitional and non-transitional).