Advancing Academic Medicine: On the Path to Health Justice

On the Path to Health Justice: Learn How Academic Medical Centers Are Advancing the Equitable Health System of the Future.

At this current moment in history—with COVID-19’s disproportionate impact on communities of color, a year into a national reckoning on racial justice, and half a year into a new Administration committed to health equity—academic medical centers (AMCs) are reflecting on opportunities to intentionally advance anti-racist policies, promote equity across their tripartite mission, and bring science to bear on the challenge of eliminating health disparities.

In a new webinar—the eighth in our ongoing “Ten Health Care Imperatives for the Decade Ahead” series—Manatt Health and a panel of leaders from major academic medical centers (AMCs) will discuss the ways that academic health centers are implementing a broad-based health equity action agenda—within their organizations and in partnership with their communities—to lead the way to a more just and equitable delivery system.

During the program, you will:

  • Learn about the complex history of AMCs and structural racism.
  • Find out how AMCs are moving beyond community benefit initiatives to bidirectional partnership models.
  • Hear examples of how AMCs are bringing an equity lens to all missions and evolving into organizations that are more representative of the people they serve.
  • Explore nine strategies that can position AMCs to be leaders in eliminating health disparities in their organizations and communities.
  • Hear real-world case studies from trailblazing AMCs that are leading the way to a more equitable and just health care system.

P.S. Our “Ten Health Care Imperatives for the Decade Ahead” webinar series is based on our recent white paper addressing the ten imperatives we believe are critical for improving the health care system and advancing health equity. Click here to download a free copy of the white paper—and here for more information on the other programs in the series.


  • Darrell Kirch, M.D., National Advisor, Manatt Health
  • Naomi Newman,  Director, Manatt Health
  • Selwyn M. Vickers, M.D., FACS, Senior Vice President of Medicine and Dean, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine

Date and Time

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Webinar Series

Click here for full details on the "Ten Health Care Imperatives for the Decade Ahead" series.