New York Enters Third Week of Extended Budget Negotiations

On Monday, New York entered a third week of extended budget negotiations as legislative leaders and Governor Kathy Hochul continued to work toward a resolution regarding several larger issues, reportedly including those surrounding bail reform and housing that appear to be pivotal in reaching an overall agreement on the budget. We understand that negotiations are occurring at the staff level as well, and that while fiscal targets for each issue tabled are not yet clear, modest progress in negotiations continues to be made.

Additionally, the Legislature is schedule to reconvene on its regularly scheduled calendar today for two days this week, which will require that it balance their legislative business with ongoing budget negotiations. The Legislature has taken up a third set of budget extender bills today, which will provide additional time for the state to conclude its budget discussions. While the previous two budget extender bills had provided 7 days of additional spending authority for the state to conduct operations, the current extender bill provides authority for 3 days and runs through Thursday, April 20th. The Legislature will also be considering two Court of Appeals nominations this week, and conducting a typical round of committee meetings this week as a part of their business.

The Manatt team will continue to monitor developments in Albany and provide updates as additional information becomes available.