FTC Regulation Tracker—November

A number of interesting developments out of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) this month.

First, the FTC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on “Junk Fees” was officially published in the Federal Register, meaning the 60-day comment period is now running. Comments are due by January 8, 2024. Given the wide-ranging scope of the rule—if adopted as written, it would require nearly all businesses to change the way they disclose the prices of goods and services they sell—comments on this rule will be crucial to crafting a rule that protects consumers while remaining cognizant of the potential burden on businesses. If you are interested in having your industry’s voice heard by filing a comment, Manatt can help.

While comments have just opened for “Junk Fees,” they recently closed for the FTC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Regarding the Use of Consumer Reviews and Testimonials. The proposed rule is highly significant for marketers and consumers. Violation of a trade regulation rule enables the FTC to seek civil penalties of up to $50,120 per violation. The FTC could take the position that each fake review or testimonial is a separate violation, which would add up to substantial civil penalties. The FTC can also seek monetary redress for consumers and others injured by fake reviews and testimonials. Manatt’s detailed analysis of the 105 comments the FTC received demonstrates the importance of the comment process in shaping FTC rulemaking. 

Finally, the FTC has codified its amendment to the Safeguards Rule. As explained in our comprehensive article on the amendment, these modifications depart from the FTC’s historical approach that allowed covered institutions broad discretion on the details necessary to achieve compliance with the safeguards standards and instead impose an enumerated list of specific requirements. As the amendment is now final, it has been removed from the tracker.

FTC Proposal Proposal Type Manatt Insights Comments Due
Unfair or Deceptive Fees (“Junk Fees”) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking FTC Seeks to Ban “Junk Fees” With a New Proposed Rule January 8, 2024
Labeling Requirements for Alternative Fuels and Alternative Fueled Vehicles Request for Public Comment


December 26, 2023 
Power Output Claims for Amplifiers Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking


Deadline Passed

Use of Consumer Reviews and Testimonials

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

What’s Next for the FTC’s Proposed Rule Banning Fake Reviews and Testimonials?

FTC’s Proposed New Rule Prohibiting Fake Reviews and Testimonials

Deadline Passed 

Health Breach Notification Rule

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

FTC and HHS Send Letter Warning of Risks From Online Tracking Technologies

FTC Proposed Health Breach Notification Rule Changes Target the Online Collection of Health Data

Deadline Passed 
Negative Option Rule Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

Sellers Beware: FTC Proposes Changes to Automatic Renewal Laws

Automatic Renewal Laws: Everything to Know About the Surge in Litigation and Regulatory Enforcement

Deadline Passed
Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims (“Green Guides”) Proposed Guidance The FTC Takes on ESG: Proposed Updates to the Green Guides Deadline Passed
Non-Compete Rule Notice of Proposed Rulemaking FTC Proposes Ban on Noncompetes Deadline Passed
Energy Labeling Rule Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Understanding the Changing Regulatory Landscape Under an Activist Federal Trade Commission Deadline Passed
Ophthalmic Practice Rule  Notice of Proposed Rulemaking FTC Sends Warning Letters to Eyeglass Prescribers Deadline Passed
Commercial Surveillance and Data Security Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Protecting Consumer Health Data: FTC and State Actions to Close the Privacy Gap Deadline Passed
Telemarketing Sales Rule Revisions: B2B & Tech Support Calls, Negative Options Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking FTC Proposes Expansion of TSR That May Impact SMB Lending Deadline Passed
Telemarketing Sales Rule: Recordkeeping     Notice of Proposed Rulemaking FTC Proposes Expansion of TSR That May Impact SMB Lending Deadline Passed
Earnings Claims  Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking  2022 FTC and NAD Roundup Deadline Passed
Risk Based Pricing Notice of Proposed Rulemaking   Deadline Passed
Government and Business Impersonation Notice of Proposed Rulemaking   Deadline Passed
Business Opportunity Rule   Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking   Deadline Passed
Funeral Industry Practices Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking   Deadline Passed
Motor Vehicle Dealers Notice of Proposed Rulemaking   Deadline Passed
Care Labeling of Textile Wearing Apparel and Certain Piece Goods Notice of Proposed Rulemaking   Deadline Passed

To view the previous FTC Regulation Tracker updates, please see below:

FTC Regulation Tracker—October 2023

FTC Regulation Tracker—August 2023

FTC Regulation Tracker—July 2023

FTC Regulation Tracker—June 2023

FTC Regulation Tracker—May 2023

FTC Regulation Tracker—April 2023