Manatt Assists in Preparing Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment Before Arizona Superior Court

Manatt assisted in preparing an Arizona county’s opposition to a Motion for Summary Judgment before the Superior Court following claims against the county for enacting a regulation requiring individuals to report lost or stolen firearms.

In response to the growing number of firearm-related deaths, the Pima County Board of Supervisors passed an ordinance requiring any lost or stolen firearms be reported. The plaintiffs filed a lawsuit and a motion to dismiss, arguing that the ordinance is unlawful because it is preempted by the state law.

Manatt, in conjunction with , worked with the to file a response to the motion arguing that the judge should deny summary judgment. The County argued that “the public safety ordinance at issue is not preempted by Arizona’s limited preemption of firearm regulation because it does not regulate firearms” and state law “does not address the reporting of lost or stolen firearms.”

“Plaintiffs cannot ask this Court to rewrite the statute,” they continued. “To do so is at odds with separation of powers and statutory construction principles.”

Manatt played a key role by researching, providing input on the county’s draft of the opposition and strategizing with the county on how to oppose the Motion for Summary Judgment. The team was led by Senior Counsel and included Associates and .

See the full response filing