O’Brien Featured in CRAACO on Achieving Diversity in Clinical Trials

Manatt Health National Advisor Donna O’Brien was featured in Clinical Research as a Care Option’s Autumn newsletter where she outlined what hospitals and health systems are facing when it comes to integrating clinical trials and how they can support diversity in trials. 

In the article, O’Brien gave insight into how hospitals view clinical trials, the hurdles they are currently facing and opportunities for sponsors to get more involved. She discussed how hospitals can invest in staff and resources to efficiently leverage cost-effective approaches to support their clinical trial infrastructure and explained what the industry can do advance diversity and expand trials to the community setting.  

O’Brien also explained how a recent Manatt Health white paper illustrates the importance of building this clinical trials capacity and what community hospitals, academic medical centers and others can do to support this goal. “Everyone in the clinical trials ecosystem needs to work to improve diverse accrual by engaging patients and building trust. We know that the main way to reach diverse populations and include them in research is by bringing clinical trials to where they live and receive their care,” she said. 

Learn more and download the full Manatt Health white paper here