Reece Quoted on NCAA’s New Name, Image and Likeness Policy Changes
Manatt Digital and Technology Counsel and Director Matthew Reece and Partner Ned Sherman were quoted in Bloomberg Law on new name, image and likeness laws that will force the NCAA to allow college athletes to profit from legitimate brand partnerships without losing their eligibility. The publication noted that the NCAA stressed it would preserve its ban on payment to induce athletes to pick a school or to reward specific performances, which forces the association to distinguish valid endorsement deals from prohibited compensation arrangements designed to look legitimate. “You will have name-image-likeness deals that are actually pay-to-play in disguise,” Reece explained. He added that there “will be a learning curve” for all parties in adapting to the fundamental shift.
Reece and Sherman also explained that while traditional advertising will provide substantial opportunities for top athletes, the burgeoning social media influencer market will also play a huge role in this new landscape. “This is opening the door to a massive new influencer market. That’s probably an under-emphasized story here,” Sherman added.
Bloomberg Law subscribers can read the full article here.
Reece also spoke with Law360 on this topic.