Local Governments Seek to Fill Gap in Addressing Substance Use Disorders

Manatt’s Jonah Frohlich, a managing director with Manatt Health, and Christopher Cantrell, a manager with Manatt Health, spoke to Addiction Pro for an article on local governments’ efforts to fill unmet needs related to substance use disorders.

According to the publication, federal and state initiatives to address the opioid crisis may garner the most public attention, but much of the impactful activity is taking place at the local government level.

“Cities and counties are not waiting for states and the federal government to act,” said Cantrell.

The article also cites Manatt Health’s recent whitepaper, Communities in Crisis: Local Responses to Behavioral Health Challenges, which points out that some local governments have not taken advantage of important opportunities to access funding.

“Many communities have multiple programs, but many times they are not working in coordination with each other,” Frohlich told the publication. “It was a huge surprise to us that Medicaid was not sufficiently leveraged across all these programs.”