4 Actions Start-Up Founders Need to Take (But Often Overlook) to Protect Their Business

In their latest Entrepreneur column, Manatt Digital and Technology Managing Director Kalon Gutierrez and Antitrust and Competition Partner David Reichenberg discussed how start-ups can prepare strategies and implement practices early on that can not only be critical to the business success of the startup, but also protect it from antitrust risk down the road.  

“Future violations have been rooted in decisions that were made (or not made) early on and continued over a period of time. When they do come to the forefront, their preventable consequences can exponentially limit a company's ultimate success,” they wrote. 

Gutierrez and Reichenberg provided four key actions that founders can incorporate into their start-up business plans, including: 

  1. Determining your core competitive advantage 

  2. Highlighting how your competitive advantage helps customers 

  3. Executing a plan to overcome the market leader 

  4. Determining the social benefit associated with success 

Read the complete article here.  

For the full list of Gutierrez’s Entrepreneur articles, click here.