5 Ways Startups Can Create the Office of the Future

By: Kalon Gutierrez
– Entrepreneur

In his most recent column for Entrepreneur, Manatt Digital and Technology Managing Director Kalon Gutierrez discussed how startups can create innovative, forward-thinking office spaces and protocols to build more collaborative work environments and stimulate productivity.  

Gutierrez explored how emerging companies can be pioneers in leveraging their offices to empower employees while stimulating professional engagement. As the definition of the modern-day office continues to evolve, he noted how startups have a unique opportunity to lead this charge to construct enhanced work environments from the ground up. “By purposefully creating desirable and collaborative office environments, startups will experience both hiring and retention advantages,” he wrote. 

He concluded by providing five actions startups can consider as they establish the offices of the future:  

  1. Enable 24-hour access 
  2. Create 'soft work' spaces 
  3. Throw the old definition of "in the office" out the window 
  4. Create mental health-friendly workplaces 
  5. Develop work/live hubs 

Read the complete article here.      

For more of Gutierrez’s  Entrepreneur articles, click here.  



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