Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 10 Study: Evaluating Public Health Insurance Options for Nevada Residents
Prepared for the Nevada Legislative Commission
The Nevada Legislature enacted SCR 10 during the 2019 legislative session, calling for the state to conduct a study of the feasibility, viability and design of a public healthcare insurance plan, or a “public option.” The resolution further requires that the analysis include a public option plan within the Public Employees’ Benefits Program (PEBP), Nevada’s health insurance program for state and local employees and retirees.
The state identified three key goals for the study in considering the design of a public option:
- Improve insurance market stability.
- Decrease the number of uninsured Nevadans.
- Increase access to affordable coverage.
In “Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 10 Study: Evaluating Public Health Insurance Options for Nevada Residents,” a new report published in partnership with Wakely Consulting, Manatt Health managing director Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, manager Kyla M. Ellis, consultant Emily C. Polk and senior managing director Patricia M. Boozang consider two potential public option models—a public option offered through a “buy-in” to Nevada’s PEBP and a public option offered through Nevada’s Marketplace, Nevada Health Link, as a qualified health plan. This report evaluates each model based on key design considerations, including the specific target population that may enroll, opportunities to achieve cost savings, the plan affordability for potential enrollees, implications for existing health insurance offerings, and the feasibility and projected cost of implementation, and provides an actuarial estimate of the premiums, enrollment and market impact.
The report is meant to memorialize conversations with state stakeholders, put forth an initial analysis of public option plans, and ultimately inform ongoing discussions among the public, state lawmakers and other stakeholders regarding the future of coverage programs in Nevada.
To access the full report, click here.