Prescribing Medication Abortion via Telehealth: The ‘Rules of the Road’ in a Post-Dobbs World
In the aftermath of the Dobbs v. Jackson Supreme Court decision, there is ongoing discussion about the role that medication abortion—particularly tele-medication abortion (teleMAB)— will play in connecting women to abortion services. The legal landscape post-Dobbs is varied, complicated and rife with potential risks. Each state has its own laws governing telehealth and abortion services, including state laws that specifically prohibit or regulate teleMAB.
In a new webinar, Manatt will guide providers and advocates through the policy and regulatory complexities surrounding the clinical delivery of teleMAB services. Key topics that will be covered include:
- A background on medication abortion, including who is eligible and how it can be delivered using telehealth
- An overview of state laws on telehealth and abortion that can restrict or promote access to teleMAB services
- Illustrative scenarios that show how different types of state laws can impact providers’ ability to deliver teleMAB services, including an assessment of associated risks
- A discussion of still unanswered questions—and predictions about what to expect next
Even if you can’t make our live session on October 18, register free now, and you’ll receive a link to view the program on demand.
- Randi Seigel, Partner, Manatt Health
- Jacqueline Marks, Senior Manager, Manatt Health
- Julian Polaris, Associate, Manatt Health
Date and Time:
Tuesday, October 18
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET
This program has been approved for 1.0 NY CLE Skills (transitional and non-transitional) and for 1.0 CA MCLE General credit.