Assessing Geographic Variation in Rates of Cervical Cancer and Recurrent or Metastatic Cervical Cancer Among Medicaid Enrollees
Manatt Health Senior Managing Director Anthony Fiori and Senior Manager Nathan Pauly co-authored an article for the American Journal of Clinical Oncology in which they evaluated trends in the prevalence of cervical cancer (CC) and rates of recurrent or metastatic cervical cancer (r/mCC) treatment initiation among Medicaid enrollees.
In the article, the authors discussed the evolving treatment landscape for r/mCC and the value of identifying areas of the United States experiencing a disproportionately high burden of CC and r/mCC. They noted the importance of addressing health care resource and education needs for patients insured through Medicaid, as these populations are more vulnerable to limited access to preventative and appropriate interventional care postdiagnosis. “A dedicated analysis to identify areas of high CC or r/mCC burden can help inform CC education and prevention campaign needs, as well as health care resource allocation for affected patients,” they wrote.
Read the complete American Journal of Clinical Oncology article here.