Co-presenter, “State Policy and Child Poverty: Simulating an Impact of a Race to the Top,” 20th Anniversary of Welfare Reform: Changes to the Social Safety Net and Their Consequences, Washington, D.C., November 2016.
Contributing Presentation Author, “Long-Term Trends in Urban and Rural Poverty: New Insights Using a Historical Supplemental Poverty Measure, 1967-2014,” The New Rural-Urban Interface: A Research Conference, Philadelphia, September 2016.
Contributing Presentation Author, “Using Machine Learning Methods to Predict Adverse Births in Illinois to Improve Resource Allocation for the Better Birth Outcomes Program.” Epidemiology Congress of the Americas, Miami, June 2016.
Presenter, “An Exploration of Adolescent Self-Reported Health and Parent as Proxy in Low-Resource Settings,” Population Association of America Conference, Washington, D.C., April 2016.
Co-presenter, “Predicting Adverse Births in the State of Illinois to Improve Resource Allocation for the Better Birth Outcomes Program,” Data for Good Exchange, New York, September 2015.