Kaitlyn Motley
Kaitlyn Motley is a senior manager with Manatt Health in the firm’s San Francisco office. Kaitlyn provides policy analysis and strategic and regulatory advice to a wide range of clients on issues relating to public and behavioral health integration, housing, and health information technology. Kaitlyn’s public and private sector experience gives her an in-depth understanding of how to effectively implement strategic and innovative solutions that address social determinants of health.
Before joining Manatt, Kaitlyn served as a strategy and planning manager at the San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing. In this role, she directed strategic planning processes to support a coordinated response to end and prevent homelessness, including coordinating with public health, benefits, justice and community-based organizations across the city. Kaitlyn’s experience also includes managing strategy and operations in the Marin County Department of Health and Human Services, with a focus on behavioral health integration and health information technology. In both roles, Kaitlyn led efforts for California’s Medicaid innovation initiative, California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM).
Previously, Kaitlyn served as the whole person care policy manager and privacy and data sharing officer for the San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing. She also served as the director of children’s mental health policy at the Texas Council of Community Centers, where she led policy efforts in coordination with the state and local community health centers to build an effective behavioral health system of care. At the federal level, Kaitlyn held several positions at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, including providing policy and strategic analysis on federal youth programs for the assistant secretary for planning and evaluation (ASPE), management and oversight on federal substance use and mental health service grants and contracts, and served as the national evaluation manager on the Children’s Mental Health Initiative at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
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Manatt Health