CAA Section 5121: Provider Bulletin Template

Section 5121 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act: Correctional Facility and Implementation Partner Provider Bulletin Template for State Medicaid Agencies

Per section 5121 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (CAA), states are required to provide targeted case management, screening, and diagnostic services for children and youth who are incarcerated post-disposition and enrolled in Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). As states engage with correctional facilities and implementation partners (e.g., managed care plans and community-based providers), many have requested state Medicaid agency guidance on what is expected as it relates to Medicaid/CHIP eligibility and enrollment, covered services, provider enrollment, and billing and reimbursement. To this end, Manatt Health has developed a to provide example guidance language for state Medicaid agencies to provide to correctional facilities and other partners as they are working towards CAA section 5121 implementation.  This template is designed to be a starting point and should be modified to address specific state laws, regulations, policies, and operational processes.