The Value of In-Home Evaluations in Advancing CMS’ Medicare Goals

In-home evaluations (IHEs) are early preventive health risk assessments within the home setting that are conducted by physicians and advance practice providers (APPs). IHEs provide a cost-effective way to identify and meet the medical and nonmedical needs of vulnerable beneficiaries in their own homes and communities to impact health outcomes.

IHEs are an important touchpoint for holistically and comprehensively assessing individuals in their own environment, gathering information on social drivers of health, and, whenever possible, connecting them to needed community resources and community providers for ongoing care and care coordination.

In a white paper prepared in partnership with Signify Health, Manatt Health demonstrates how IHEs deliver value consistent with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) strategic goals for the Medicare program. The paper offers recommendations for how CMS could extend that value across the Medicare program.

To read the full white paper, click here.

This Manatt white paper was commissioned by Signify Health, which also partnered with Manatt in developing the ideas summarized in this paper. Manatt Health maintained full editorial control over the content of the paper.