Dear Future President—What Women Want for Healthcare in America

Prepared in partnership with Tia


By Carolyn Witte, Co-Founder and CEO, Tia; Felicity Yost, Co-Founder and COO, Tia; Lisa Suennen, Leader, Manatt Digital and Technology; and Morgan Craven, Consultant, Manatt Health

Women are economic and political powerhouses, with the ability to shape economies and sway elections. Despite making up just over half of the U.S. population, women control 85% of purchasing decisions—including 80% of healthcare decisions—and clock in with a whopping $7 trillion in annual purchasing power. As such, women are typically the de facto Chief Medical Officer for not just themselves, but their families and extended families.1 Moreover, in every presidential election since 1984, women have turned out to vote at a higher rate than men.2

At the same time, women have been disproportionately impacted by the events of 2020, which is coloring their thinking about the impending election. Given the global pandemic, resulting unstable economy, work-from-home and “Zoom school” pressures, and the concomitant public policy controversies over gender equity, women have experienced unprecedented stress. For women of color and those in “essential worker” roles, the impact of this stress is even more profound.3 With the 2020 presidential election drawing near, and given women’s hefty stake in the election’s outcome, understanding what women want and need from the healthcare system—and how they expect the future U.S. President to drive policies that deliver it—is key to understanding the type of mandate that female voters will or will not deliver.

To shed light on these issues, Manatt Digital and Technology leader Lisa Suennen and Manatt Health consultant Morgan Craven partnered with Tia to publish “Dear Future President — What Women Want for Healthcare in America.” The report, which aims to better understand women’s healthcare priorities, is based on a survey of U.S. women aged 22 to 45, representing all income levels, races, ethnicities, geographic regions, and political beliefs.

To access the full report on the survey’s findings, click here.
