What Will the Midterm Elections Mean for Health Care?

Americans are strongly focused on the upcoming midterm elections. An NBC News survey shows that 68% of Republicans and 66% of Democrats are expressing high interest in the midterms. Which issues are most critical to voters when they consider how they will cast their votes in November? While inflation takes the top spot, the KFF Health Tracking Poll shows several health care-related issues also are rated as “very important” by more than half of registered voters, including health care and prescription drug costs (55%) and abortion access (55%).

In a new webinar, Manatt will examine how the midterm elections will shape health care policies and priorities in the years to come—and how you can prepare for what’s next. The session will do a deep dive into potential results and the implications for the health care system. Key topics that will be covered include:

  • Possible federal election outcomes and the potential impact on how health policy will advance over the next two years
  • An analysis of state election results and how they could impact health policy and state priorities
  • A review of judiciary impact, including which legal questions are at stake and where courts could prove decisive on state and federal reform initiatives
  • Key health policy issues and themes that could evolve based on the election outcomes


Date and Time:

Wednesday, September 28

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