What Are the Potential Implications of Capping Federal Medicaid Funding?

Key leaders in Congress and high-ranking members of the Trump Administration are proposing major changes to Medicaid financing through the adoption of a block grant or per capita cap. (The proposed American Health Care Act would convert Medicaid financing from the current guaranteed matching rate structure to a new per capita cap applied to virtually all spending under the program.) On March 8, Manatt Health presented a new webinar providing an overview of fixed funding proposals, using data prepared by Manatt Health for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation State Network. The session also explained how to use the state-by-state Medicaid enrollment and expenditure data to assess the potential implications of proposals to cap federal Medicaid funding.

Key topics covered during the webinar include:

  • Explanations of block grants and per capita caps.
  • The major elements of fixed funding proposals, including spend levels, trend rates and context-setting data.
  • A review of the publicly available data included in the state-by-state data tables.
  • Key drivers of base funding.
  • Data and implications around state-level variations in Medicaid enrollment, spending and growth; new adult enrollment; federal funding; covered services and payment rates; use of supplemental payments; spending by eligibility group and per enrollee; and uninsured rates.
  • An analysis of how fixed funding affects the risk to states.
  • Medicaid’s role in state budgets.

Click here to view the webinar free on demand.