Unpacking the NFT Boom and Legal Projections for Further Tokenization Developments in Entertainment

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have been trending since the start of the year, and more companies and artists are getting involved with the latest blockchain innovation. Join us to dive deeper than the headlines as our presenters share insights on the opportunities and challenges brought forth by the popularity of NFTs, and what legal and regulatory concerns need to be considered for those looking to foray into NFT offerings.

Key topics will include:

  • Background on the many stakeholders in the NFT process
  • What you need to think about in terms of building out an NFT and promoting it
  • Understanding investing in the space and the option process
  • Smart contracts—how do they work and can they be changed?
  • What to do if your protected works start circulating around the blockchain
  • How the entertainment industry is taking a leading role in NFT development and transactions
  • What the future of tokenization might look like in the financial services and entertainment industries
  • Open edition vs. auctions—which model is best?


Brian Korn, Partner, Manatt Financial Services
Ned Sherman, Partner, Manatt Digital and Technology
Natasha Azava, Associate, Manatt Entertainment
Seth Shapiro, Chief Executive Officer, Artaku NFT

Date and Time

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


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