Lessons Learned From the PPP’s Constantly Changing Guidance

Originally hailed as a bipartisan effort to save the jobs of small-business workers, the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) has become a moving political target with constantly changing regulatory guidance. Companies that took PPP loans but arguably did not need them now may face negative publicity and even civil or criminal claims, and others may be deterred from using other CARES Act lending programs for fear of similar difficulties.

In this 30-minute webinar, Manatt attorneys will address:

  • Constantly shifting PPP guidance and its impact on program participants
  • The impact that public health and racial justice concerns are likely to have on PPP-related “public shaming” and enforcement efforts
  • Best practices for companies fearing negative consequences from taking PPP loans, including how to mitigate the risk of potential regulatory and enforcement actions
  • Key considerations for applying for the new Main Street Lending Program and other CARES Act programs

Neil S. Faden, Partner, Corporate and Finance
Emily P. Gelman, Associate, Corporate and Finance
Richard S. Hartunian, Partner, Investigations and White Collar Defense
Deborah P. Kelly, Partner, Employment and Labor
Scott M. Pearson, Partner, Manatt Financial Services

Date and Time

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


This program has been approved for 0.5 CA MCLE General credit and 0.5 NY CLE Professional Practice credit (transitional and non-transitional).

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