Innovating Long-Term Care Models to Promote Living Longer, Healthier Lives With Dignity

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the vulnerable populations who need long-term care, including those living in U.S. long-term care facilities. Throughout the pandemic, long-term care residents have accounted for more than a third of all U.S. deaths, despite representing only 1% of the population. As of March 2021, nearly one in 12 people who live in U.S. long-term care homes have died from COVID-19.1 In addition, people who use home- and community-based care experienced fewer provider options and reduced access to needed services, as some providers permanently closed and in-person appointments declined.

Although the pandemic put a spotlight on the problems and challenges, long-term care was becoming a pressing societal issue even prior to COVID-19, with the number of people living with disabilities or chronic diseases radically increasing demand. The 65-and-over population is projected to increase 50% by 2030, and those over age 85 are the fastest-growing segment of older Americans.

In a new webinar—the sixth in our “Ten Health Care Imperatives for the Decade Ahead” series—Manatt Health and a panel of industry leaders examine the effects of COVID-19 on populations using long-term care, particularly on racial and ethnic populations. The session will explore the pandemic’s impact on long-term care—and the opportunities it created to rethink the system and chart a new policy path. This compelling program will: 

  • Present new care delivery solutions, including new home-based care models and increased use of technologies that enable people to maintain their autonomy with greater private- and public-sector support services.
  • Discuss key strategies for the coming decade, including expanding innovative home- and community-based services through Medicaid and better integrating long-term care with the rest of the health care system.
  • Share lessons learned about the effects of COVID-19 on the long-term care system, including long-standing challenges facing the long-term care workforce.
  • Discuss challenges and opportunities related to long-term care financing and the implications for meeting future demand and relieving the pressure on Medicaid.
  • Review innovative care delivery and staffing models.
  • Highlight state activities around the expansion of home- and community-based care, as well as efforts to improve care quality and outcomes while containing Medicaid costs.
  • Describe recent federal efforts to encourage increased federal and state investments in the long-term care system.

Facilitator: Stephanie Anthony, Senior Advisor, Manatt Health


  • Carol Raphael, Senior Advisor, Manatt Health
  • Camille Dobson, Deputy Executive Director, ADvancing States
  • Howard Gleckman, Senior Fellow, The Urban Institute
  • Bea Rector, Director, Home and Community Services Division, Aging and Long Term Support Administration, Washington State Department of Social and Health Services

Date and Time
Wednesday, June 9, 2021