Influencer and Content Marketing: Challenges and Opportunities for Healthcare

More than 93 million Americans—80% of Internet users—have searched online for a health-related topic, such as a particular medical treatment, doctor, hospital or health insurance.1 In response, healthcare companies are expected to spend $1 billion online over the next five years.2 Increasingly, healthcare marketers are implementing new approaches—such as influencer marketing and native advertising—to connect more effectively with their audiences.

As powerful as these new marketing options are, they also can pose serious pitfalls. Although they may not resemble traditional advertising—and they may not be created by the healthcare organization itself—influencer and content marketing are still subject to Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Act prohibiting “unfair or deceptive acts or practices.” How can healthcare organizations safely navigate a dramatically changing marketing environment? Learn the answer in a new Manatt webinar. The session will:

  • Explain the FTCs guidance on the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising—and related guidance on influencer marketing.
  • Explore the FTC’s position on native advertising.
  • Reveal the heightened risks for the healthcare industry—and ways you can mitigate them.
  • Examine the potential liabilities of user-generated content and how to avoid them.
  • Analyze the latest marketing trends in the context of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and other privacy protection standards.
  • Share best practices for ensuring your initiatives are in compliance with the FTC’s guidance on influencer marketing and native advertising.
  • Discuss recent cases and the lessons learned.

1Pew Internet and American Life Project
2Juniper Research

Randi Seigel, Partner, Manatt Health
Po Yi, Partner, Advertising, Marketing and Media

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