Employee Risks in Privacy and Data Security

What In-House Counsel Need to Know

As part of our continuing Learning Series in Privacy and Data Security, Manatt will hold a webinar presentation focused on mitigating the risks associated with internal data security threats. Policies and procedures, training, supervision and technology all contribute to a company's vulnerabilities. Learn industry best practices and compliance measures designed to assist in-house counsel to get ahead of these threats.

Every company faces a data security and privacy risk—not just e-commerce or Internet-related industries—because of employee risks. The retention of employee data is just the first hurdle to overcome in protection and access. Theft of data, proper access and use, documentation of protocols and communication and enforcement of such processes are all a part of a successful campaign to manage the risks of misuse of data. Government investigations and civil litigation can force a company to its heels for the simple misapplication of personally identifiable data. Join Manatt partners Esra Hudson and Carol Van Cleef to learn the best compliance measures that in-house counsel need to manage a successful internal data protection and privacy policy.