• 07.19.13

    Ethics Of Sports Award Presented To Jim Thompson Of Positive Coaching Alliance

    Santa Clara University's Institute of Sports Law and Ethics (ISLE), of which Manatt is a Charter Sponsor, presented its first Ethics of Sports (ETHOS) Award May 1 to Jim Thompson, the founder of the Positive Coaching Alliance.

  • 07.18.13

    FTC Looks To Ban Payment Methods Susceptible To Fraud

    In May, the Federal Trade Commission issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking concerning possible amendments to the Federal Telemarketing Sales Rule, which would prohibit sellers and telemarketers from accepting remotely created checks or remotely created payment orders.

  • 07.18.13

    D.C. Circuit Flips DOL’s Flip-Flop On Mortgage Loan officers

    Mortgage loan officers may qualify for the administrative exemption from the overtime wage provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals held July 2, striking down a 2010 Administrator’s Interpretation from the Department of Labor.

  • 07.17.13

    How Does the DOMA Defeat Impact Healthcare Reform and Health Insurance Access?

    In a sharply divided ruling on the United States v. Windsor released on June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court invalidated DOMA, clearing the way for federal recognition of same-sex marriages.

  • 07.11.13

    FTC to Search Engines: Make Ads Distinct

    Eleven years after last issuing guidance to search engines about displaying paid search results, the Federal Trade Commission sent letters to dozens of companies, including AOL, Bing, Google, and Yahoo, reiterating the need to distinguish between natural and paid search results.

  • 07.03.13

    Will Advertisers Feel the Backlash After Revelations of Government Surveillance?

    After the nation learned that the National Security Agency has engaged in widespread surveillance of consumer communications over the last several years, some advertisers fear the public’s reaction could negatively impact the industry.

  • 07.03.13

    Federal Reserve Adopts Basel III for U.S. Banks

    On July 2, 2013, the Federal Reserve Board approved a final rule implementing the Basel III regulatory capital reforms from the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision as well as certain changes required by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

  • 07.03.13

    Supreme Court Sides With Employers in Title VII Suits

    Capping off a term of big decisions with employer-friendly results, the U.S. Supreme Court weighed in on two major employment issues in a pair of Title VII cases that determined retaliation claims require plaintiffs to prove their case according to traditional “but for” causation and ...

  • 07.01.13

    Action Required! New Commercial Lease Disclosure Concerning Disability Access Legal Requirements

    This year, July 1 marks more than just the halfway point of the year. Effective July 1, commercial and nonresidential property owners in California have additional disclosure requirements to contend with courtesy of California Civil Code Section 1938.

  • 06.27.13

    Domino’s Delivers $9.75M TCPA Settlement

    It took more than 30 minutes, but Domino’s Pizza delivered a settlement deal to a class of plaintiffs in a Telephone Consumer Protection Act suit totaling $9.75 million.



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