• 06.21.17

    Iowa Submits Sweeping 1332 Waiver Seeking Emergency Relief

    On June 12, Iowa submitted a sweeping Section 1332 waiver that would replace the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) premium tax credits with a new state-administered tax credit and a reinsurance program.

  • 06.20.17

    Manatt on Health Reform: Weekly Highlights, June 20, 2017

    Senate health reform bill to be made public Thursday; CMS Actuary releases its AHCA coverage and cost projections; and new analysis finds Marketplace rate increases are being driven by the Trump Administration’s lack of commitment to making cost-sharing reduction payments.

  • 06.16.17

    Class Certification Denial Reversed in Wake of Augustus

    Applying the California Supreme Court’s recent decision in Augustus v. ABM Security Services, a California appellate panel reversed a trial court’s denial of a class certification motion and remanded the case.

  • 06.15.17

    FTC Jumps on Trampoline Marketing

    The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) bounced purportedly misleading trampoline marketing claims in a new administrative consent order.

  • 06.14.17

    Indiana Proposes New Eligibility Requirements in Waiver Extension Application

    Indiana is seeking a three-year extension of its Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) 2.0 Section 1115 demonstration. Through HIP 2.0, which the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved in January 2015,

  • 06.13.17

    Manatt on Health Reform: Weekly Highlights, June 13, 2017

    CMS seeks input on potential market stabilization rulemaking; Iowa proposes a single standardized Marketplace plan and reinsurance program; and Centene will expand its Marketplace offerings for 2018, including adding new states.

  • 06.08.17

    California Court Upholds CFPB’s Constitutionality, Request for CID

    Taking the opposite approach from recent decisions of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, a California federal court upheld the constitutionality of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau while also ordering the defendant to comply with a civil investigative demand issued by the ...

  • 06.08.17

    California Court Upholds CFPB’s Constitutionality, Request for CID

    Taking the opposite approach from recent decisions of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, a California federal court upheld the constitutionality of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau while also ordering the defendant to comply with a civil investigative demand issued by the ...

  • 06.08.17

    BART’s App Crashes Into Privacy Suit

    San Francisco’s mass transit organization crashed into a class action in which the plaintiff alleged that its mobile app has been illegally collecting personal information from users.

  • 06.06.17

    Manatt on Health Reform: Weekly Highlights, June 6, 2017

    House Ways and Means Committee advances three discrete healthcare bills as part of the broader repeal and replace effort; Nevada sends Medicaid-for-all legislation to the Governor; and New York requires insurers to remain in the Marketplace or face exclusion from Medicaid.



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