• 07.24.17

    ERISA Procedural Rights Violations Can Still State Federal Claims

    Last year, the United States Supreme Court decided Spokeo v. Robins, holding that a procedural violation of a statute is insufficient to create a “concrete” injury and confer standing if the plaintiff suffered no real harm.

  • 07.24.17

    The FTC Continues to Challenge Healthcare Mergers

    Confirming that hospital merger enforcement continues to be a priority under the new administration, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the North Dakota Attorney General recently challenged Sanford Health’s proposed acquisition of Mid Dakota Clinic.

  • 07.21.17

    California Supreme Court Reverses PAGA Discovery Ruling

    On July 13, 2017, the California Supreme Court in Williams v. Superior Court (Marshalls) issued its first opinion addressing the scope of discovery in representative actions brought under the state’s Private Attorneys General Act (Cal. Labor Code §§ 2698 et seq.).

  • 07.21.17

    Special Edition: Key BCRA Policy Concerns

    Congressional action on repeal and replace took a number of significant turns in the past few days, and next steps still remain uncertain.

  • 07.20.17

    Payday Lenders’ Operation Choke Point Challenge Survives Dismissal

    Two new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) reports provide important insights into the CFPB’s and state regulators’ latest activities and enforcement targets.

  • 07.20.17

    Twitter Working to Limit Fake Stories, Accounts

    In an effort to combat fake accounts, false stories and other abuses, Twitter is considering the use of a new feature to let users flag Tweets that contain misleading, false or harmful information, according to news reports.

  • 07.20.17

    CFPB Issues Semiannual Report, State-Level Snapshot of Complaints

    Two new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) reports provide important insights into the CFPB’s and state regulators’ latest activities and enforcement targets.

  • 07.20.17

    Can People Losing Medicaid Under BCRA Afford Marketplace Coverage?

    Next steps regarding Congressional action on repeal and replace remain uncertain, with the President again supporting repeal coupled with replace, members attempting to bridge their differences over the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA), and, in late-breaking news, a just-released amended ...

  • 07.18.17

    EIR Need Not Analyze Consistency With GHG Executive Order

    The California Supreme Court upheld the San Diego Association of Governments’ (SANDAG) Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS) and concluded that CEQA does not necessarily mandate that the environmental impact report (EIR) include an analysis of consistency ...

  • 07.14.17

    Referendum Rescinding Zoning That Resolved General Plan Inconsistency Upheld

    In California, zoning must be consistent with the general plan. When a general plan amendment creates an inconsistency with the existing zoning, Government Code Section 65860(c) gives a local agency “a reasonable time” to bring the zoning into conformance with the general plan.



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