Manatt Sponsors 2015 Symposium on Ethics in Sports

Manatt Sponsors 2015 Symposium on Ethics in Sports

Super Bowl 50 CEO, NY Times Sports Columnist, Aspen Institute Sports & Society Program Executive Director Headline 6th Annual Institute of Sports Law and Ethics Symposium

Santa Clara University’s Institute of Sports Law and Ethics, of which Manatt’s Ron Katz is Chair Emeritus, is headlining its sixth annual symposium with Keith Bruce, the CEO of the Super Bowl 50 Host Committee; New York Times sports columnist, Bill Rhoden; and Tom Farrey, the Executive Director of the Aspen Institute’s Sports & Society Program (also a journalist on ESPN). “This promises to be a very strong and highly relevant symposium,” said Katz, “given the drumbeat of ethical problems emanating from sports.”

Keith Bruce will discuss the Super Bowl as more than a sporting event. The San Francisco Host Committee has, for example, organized a philanthropic arm, which has the goal of giving millions to charity.

Bill Rhoden is working on a book about sports heroes. He has written extensively about ethical issues in sports, long before that issue was well recognized.

Tom Farrey has recently coordinated the publication of Sport for All: Play for Life, which concerns a re-organization of youth sports with an emphasis on inclusion and health. Such a re-organization would be a major tool in battling childhood epidemics of obesity, diabetes and depression.

Aside from these speakers, the symposium will feature panels on athletes as role models and on the rapidly growing field of fantasy sports. Finally, to account for late-breaking events, there will be a panel on “Hot Topics.”

The symposium will be held September 10 at Santa Clara University. The Save the Date appears below, and registration will be open in mid-July:

Sports Law Institute



September 10, 2015
9 am - 5 pm
(Registration begins at 8:00 am)

Locatelli Center
Santa Clara University
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053

More information here
Online Registration Coming in July

California Continuing Legal Education credit applied for. More details to come.

For information on the 2015 Sports Law and Ethics Symposium, please contact Professor Donald Polden or Tara Schaffner.

This year's symposium will feature several leading voices and commentators on sports and legal and ethical issues. Symposium speakers will address some of the most important issues in sport, including role models and mentors in youth sports competition, the rapidly growing "fantasy sports' industry and the Aspen Institute's recent report, "Project Play", that is re-imagining the entire area of youth sports in America. The 2015 symposium will also intrigue attendees with a "hot topics" panel looking at cutting-edge developments in professional sports, intercollegiate sports, the FIFA scandal, and others.


Keynote Speaker

Paraag Marathe

Keith Bruce
Chair of the SuperBowl 50 Host Committee


Featured Speaker

Travis Tygert

Tom Farrey
Executive Director, Aspen Institute Sports & Society Program

Luncheon Speaker

Travis Tygert

Bill Rhoden
Journalist, New York Times


Gold Sponsors:

Manatt Oakland A's
San Francisco 49ers
San Jose Sharks

Silver Sponsors:

Bronco Bench Foundation
Law Seminars International
Santa Clara Broncos
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara University School of Law


Institute of Sports Law and Ethics
Santa Clara University
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053-0430