Manatt-Sponsored Symposium Receives Significant Media Coverage, Publishes Selected Proceedings

Manatt-Sponsored Symposium Receives Significant Media Coverage, Publishes Selected Proceedings

The Symposium on Integrity in Sport put on by the Manatt-sponsored Institute of Sports Law and Ethics at Santa Clara University occurred on September 11, 2014. Given the timing of the subject matter in light of recent well-publicized ethical problems in sport, the Symposium received significant media coverage, some of which is linked below:

NBC News

KGO Radio


KNTV-SF TV (NBC) 9/11/2014 6:04:01 PM

KPIX-SF TV (CBS) 9/11/2014 4:00:52 PM

(1) KCBS-AM (Radio) 9/11/2014 11:35:43 PM

(2) KCBS-AM (Radio) 9/11/2014 11:35:43 PM

The Symposium also published its Selected Proceedings, which are attached and which show the depth and breadth in which the topics were covered: Bullying, The Brave New World of College Athletics, Match-fixing and Trending Topics (including the current domestic violence issues). Click here for an article (too recent to be included in the Selected Proceedings) on the football unionization situation at Northwestern University by one of the panelists, William Gould, who is a former head of the National Labor Relations Board and a Professor Emeritus at Stanford Law School.