Manatt-Sponsored Institute Starts Youth Anti-Concussion Campaign

Manatt-Sponsored Institute Starts Youth Anti-Concussion Campaign

Brandi Chastain Outlines the Risks in a NY Times Interview

The Manatt-sponsored and chaired Institute of Sports Law and Ethics (ISLE) has started a campaign against heading in soccer by children under 14 because of the scientifically-based risks that recent research has disclosed. The campaign, in conjunction with the well-known anti-concussion organization, Sports Legacy Institute, was described in a June 24, 2014 NY Times interview of renowned soccer player, Brandi Chastain, who is a member of ISLE’s Board, which is chaired by Manatt Sports Law Practice Group Chair, Ron Katz.

A website has been created for the campaign:, which will list the institutions that agree with this prohibition. The name of the campaign is Parents and Pros for Safer Soccer (PASS), and its hashtag is #SaferSoccer.

Similar prohibitions have been instituted in hockey regarding checking and in lacrosse regarding purposeful blows to the head. “I am proud that ISLE can be a part of this important campaign,” said Katz. “Because soccer is the most popular sport in the world, this campaign has the potential to protect millions of children.”

Manatt sponsors ISLE along with the San Francisco 49ers, the San Jose Sharks and the Oakland A’s.