Two Manatt Partners to Chair Panels at Second Annual Santa Clara Sports Law Symposium
Two Manatt Partners to Chair Panels at Second Annual Santa Clara Sports Law Symposium
Santa Clara Law School and the Athletic Department of Santa Clara University are putting on their Second Annual Sports Law Symposium on September 8, 2011. Click here for registration and Symposium information. Manatt is the Gold Sponsor of the event, and two Manatt partners, Ron Katz and Craig de Recat, are chairing panels at the Symposium.
Katz will be chairing the Athletes' Images Panel, which will have on it, among others, Sonny Vaccaro, who perfected the art of athletic shoe endorsement with such athletes and companies as Michael Jordan and Nike. "There are a number of active cases regarding the use of athletes' images," said Katz, "including one for Manatt client, Jim Brown, against Electronic Arts regarding the Madden football videogame. We are delighted that Jim Brown will be joining the Panel to discuss this important issue."
de Recat is chairing the Concussions Panel, which will have on it, among others, DeMaurice Smith, the Executive Director of the National Football League Players Association. "Although concussions were covered at last year's Symposium," said de Recat, "there have been so many new developments that an update is important. This is a public health issue that affects hundreds of thousands of football players at all levels."
Katz also was the principal organizer of the conference. "We are delighted that so many distinguished speakers can join us," he said. We have a very rich combination of athletes, attorneys involved in sports issues, sports executives and academics."
Early discounted registration for $125 ends on July 21. After that, registration is $150.