New York State Legislature Concludes 2022 Legislative Session

The New York State Assembly adjourned in the morning hours of Saturday, June 4, following the State Senate, which concluded early on Friday, June 3, thereby drawing to a close the 2022 legislative session. (Note: The Legislature can reconvene at the direction of the Governor or at the call of legislative leadership at any time, although that happens infrequently.)

The legislative session, which began on January 5, was active and is notable for its agreement on a record $220 billion budget as well as the passage of bills concerning recent or ongoing national events such as:

  • Legislation to implement new gun safety measures, such as requiring that a person obtain a license prior to purchasing a semiautomatic rifle and raising the age to purchase semiautomatic guns from 18 to 21
  • Legislation to enhance protections for those seeking abortion care, including prohibiting New York State from cooperating with out-of-state legal cases involving abortion
  • Legislation to require political subdivisions (e.g., local governments, local boards of elections and school districts) with a history of voter disenfranchisement to obtain clearance prior to making certain changes to their election laws and practices

In all, the Senate passed 1,634 bills and the Assembly passed 1,245 bills; 1,006 bills that have passed both houses have been or will be acted upon (approved into law or vetoed) by the Governor prior to December 31. We will be updating you on many of those bills over the next several weeks.

If you have any questions in the interim, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Manatt team.