New Webinar Series: The Midterm Elections’ Impact on Healthcare

Join Manatt for a New, Two-Part Webinar Series Revealing How the Midterm Results Will Shape Policies and Priorities—and How You Can Prepare for What’s Next.

The results of the midterm elections will be critical in shaping our political and policy landscape at both the federal and state levels. From setting the legislative agenda to revamping health reform, the effects of the midterms could be transformational. In a new, two-part webinar series, Manatt examines what the midterm outcomes could mean for the country, for healthcare and for your organization. Even if you can’t make the original air dates, register free now and receive links to view the programs on demand.

How Will the Midterm Elections Impact Your Business in 2018 and Beyond?
November 8, 2018, 2:00–3:30 p.m. ET

Manatt thought leaders who have spent decades in federal government on both sides of the aisle reveal key takeaways from the midterm elections—and help you anticipate and plan for the coming changes. The program gives you the opportunity to:

  • Understand the key outcomes and potential impact of the election results at the federal and state levels.
  • Identify which policies put in place in the last two years might be reversed.
  • Examine how the midterms could affect key sectors, including healthcare, financial services, energy and retail.
  • Explore what the midterm results might mean for climate change policy, the Trump tax bill and antitrust enforcement.
  • Discover the likely implications for international trade and tariffs.
  • Determine if you can expect a push for American adoption of GDPR.
  • Prepare your organization for what lies ahead.

What Will the Midterm Elections Mean for Healthcare?
November 15, 2018, 2:00–3:30 p.m. ET

In a YouGov/Huffington Post survey of registered voters’ priorities, healthcare topped all issues. That finding is borne out in polls across the board, with healthcare consistently among voters’ top three most important issues. In a new webinar, Manatt Health does a deep dive into the impact the midterm election results will have on the healthcare system. The session will:

  • Share how the congressional and state election results are setting the stage for whether and how health reform will advance over the next two years.
  • Reveal the key health policy issues and themes that will emerge, based on the election outcomes.
  • Analyze how states are driving change, where state election results could impact health policy and how the midterm outcomes are shaping state priorities.
  • Deliver insights into federal election results and their implications.
  • Take a look at the judiciary, including what legal questions are at stake and where courts could prove decisive on state and federal reform initiatives.


How Will the Midterm Elections Impact Your Business in 2018 and Beyond?
Jack Quinn, Chair, Federal Regulatory and Government Practice
Gregg Nunziata, Partner, Government and Regulatory Practice

What Will the Midterm Elections Mean for Healthcare?
Joel Ario, Managing Director, Manatt Health
Patricia Boozang, Senior Managing Director, Manatt Health
Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, Managing Director, Manatt Health