CMS Approves New 1115 Waiver Demonstrations for Continuous Coverage

This overview is excerpted from Manatt on Health, Manatt’s subscription service that provides in-depth insights and analysis focused on the legal, policy and market developments. For more information on how to subscribe and to activate a complimentary one week trial to Manatt on Health, please reach out to Barret Jefferds.     

On November 14, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced approval of Section 1115 demonstration amendments for Colorado, Hawaii, Minnesota, New York, and Pennsylvania —all of which will provide multi-year continuous coverage for young children enrolled in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and two of which will provide continuous coverage for individuals leaving carceral settings. These policies help Medicaid enrollees, in particular young children, ensure they have access to coverage for necessary primary and preventive care.

CMS approved the following continuous coverage policies:

  • Colorado. Colorado will extend continuous coverage for children enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP from birth until the child’s third birthday. In addition, the state will provide 12 months of continuous eligibility for individuals aged 19 through 64 who are leaving incarceration.
  • Hawaii. Hawaii will extend continuous coverage for enrollees until the child’s sixth birthday. After that, Medicaid and CHIP will offer 24 months of continuous eligibility for children from age 6 to 19.
  • Minnesota. The state will provide continuous coverage for enrollees until the child’s sixth birthday and 12 months of continuous eligibility for individuals aged 19 to 21.
  • New York. New York will extend continuous coverage for Medicaid and CHIP enrollees until the child’s sixth birthday.
  • Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania will provide continuous coverage for children until the child’s sixth birthday. Pennsylvania will also extend 12 months of continuous coverage for individuals aged 19 through 64 leaving incarceration who meet certain high-risk criteria.

For more information on how to subscribe and to activate a complimentary one week trial to Manatt on Health, please reach out to Barret Jefferds.