Workers' Compensation: New Posting Requirements for California Employers
Workers' Compensation: New Posting Requirements for California Employers
Authors: Esra Hudson | Jessica Shpall
California law requires employers to post certain employment information prominently in the workplace. Effective October 8, 2010, all employers must update their workers' compensation notices and pamphlets.
A new version of the "Notice to Employees--Injuries Caused by Work," dated June 2010, adds a section explaining that an employer's use of a Medical Provider Network ("MPN") may impact an employee's ability to select a treating physician for workplace injuries. Furthermore, employers that use an MPN must post additional information explaining how to use the MPN. Failure to timely comply with these requirements may result in a misdemeanor and civil penalties up to $7,000.
All California Employers Are Required To:
1. Post the new "Notice to Employees--Injuries Caused by Work" by October 8, 2010, in a conspicuous location. Employers may find this new version by clicking here.
2. Distribute a new version of the "Your Rights to Workers' Compensation Benefits" pamphlet to all new employees who start work on or after October 8, 2010.
Employers Using an MPN Must Also:
1. Complete a notice explaining how to use the MPN ("MPN Notice") and post it next to the new "Notice to Employees -- Injuries Caused by Work."
2. Provide the MPN Notice to any employee injured at work on or after October 8, 2010.
3. Notify all employees of any implementation, termination, or amendment of the MPN.