L.A. City and County COVID-19 Weekly Update (June 1, 2020)

Reopening Timeline

On Monday, May 25, 2020, Governor Newsom announced that he was permitting the state to effectively move to Expanded Phase 2, including allowing in-store retail statewide. In response, L.A. County issued a new Health Order on Tuesday, May 26, permitting in-store retail to reopen in the County at 50% capacity and with safety precautions.

On Friday, May 29, Governor Newsom granted the County a variance to open in-restaurant dining and personal services. The County had applied for the variance on Wednesday, May 27. Also on Friday, May 29, the County announced that it would be reopening in-restaurant dining service as soon as that evening, as long as restaurants could comply with safety requirements.

New Ordinances

On Tuesday, May 26,  the County Board of Supervisors formally adopted previously passed Ordinances on Worker Protections: Right of Recall and Worker Retention. For more information on these Ordinances, see our previous update here.

In the City, Council President Nury Martinez has proposed creating a $100 million rental relief fund. Relief funding would be available to tenants earning 80% or less than the area’s median income. Notably, the rent subsidy would go directly to landlords. Additional details are currently being negotiated.

Funding would come from a portion of the City’s federal CARES Act funding.